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Year 6 Herd Farm Residential 20-24th November

Dear parent/carer, 

The following information regarding the Y6 residential visit to Herd Farm has  been shared;

  • Mrs Norris’s class will go on Monday 20st November 2022 and return on Wednesday 22nd November 2023. 

  • Miss Smith’s class will go on Wednesday 22nd  November 2022 and return on Friday 24th November 2023. 

It is worth noting that, if we don’t have sufficient uptake, we will combine into one group.

The cost last year was £112 per pupil. Following a substantial subsidy for all pupils from the school budget, the total cost per pupil this year is £80. In order to secure a place for your child on the residential visit, you must pay a deposit of £40 via School Money by Tuesday 31st October.

The remaining balance needs to be paid in two further instalments of £20 by Friday 26th January and Friday the 1st of March as the final payment. Payment may also be made in a lump sum if you are able to do so and this will help school.

All of the exciting activities which the children will be involved in during their visit are all included into the cost as is transportation. Each child will need to take a packed lunch from home on their day of departure. All children will receive an evening meal on their arrival day, followed by breakfast, lunch and evening meal on the middle day and finally, breakfast and lunch on their return home day. These meals are provided by Herd Farm’s catering department and are included in the cost. 

If you would like your child to attend, then please complete the consent form. Click here to complete the consent form  

We have attached a complete kit list needed for the visit to this letter. If you were unable to attend the parents meeting, please click here to see the presentation 

Thank you. 

Kind regards, 

Mrs Norris & Miss Smith 


Herd Farm Residential 2023 Kit List 

Children need to bring: 

- waterproof coat 

- waterproof trousers (recommended but not essential) 

- socks and underwear (several pairs more than needed)

- t-shirts (long and short sleeve tops) 

- fleeces or warm jumpers 

- hats, gloves and scarves 

- warm and substantial pyjamas (no nighties please) 

- a book, torch, a pack of cards (these are optional)

- walking boots & thick socks (advised due to the time of year) 

- an old pair trainers to get wet and dirty (essential)

- a different pair of trainers to wear indoors. 

- a towel (bedding is provided) 

- slippers (recommended but not essential) 

- a refillable water bottle 

- toiletries (shower gel, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush)

Please pack plenty of everything. 

Please label all items of clothing.

Children are not permitted to bring: 

- electronic devices of any kind

- mobile phones 

- food or sweets

- money or jewellery (watches are allowed but no smart watches) 

Long hair must be tied back for activities. Earrings must be studs. 

Please ensure that children are able to carry their own suitcase. Any medications must be handed to a member of staff with an accompanying medical form. If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please contact a member of the Y6 team. 

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574