Spring 2 Week 4 -

What an amazing week we've had this week - a school disco and world book day in the same week!
All children need their PE kits for Wednesday each week.
The children should be bringing their reading books and reading journals in every day of the week and will be given chance to change their library books on Tuesday.
Please allow time for children to be practising their times tables on TTrockstars and learning their spelling pattern for the week.
Are you available to join us on Friday 22nd March for our open English lesson? Check your email inbox to sign up.
This Week's Learning:
- In Maths, we will be looking at length and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes.
- In English, we will be starting a new genre of writing - non-chronological reports.
- In Reading, we will be continuing to improve our answers to vocabulary, retrieval and inference questions through our novel 'Street Child'
- In Science, we will be looking at the effects of different liquids on our teeth and planning a fair experiment to find out what happens to our teeth over time when they are exposed to different liquids.
- In Geography, we will be looking at the impact Asia has on the climate.
- In PSHE, we will be looking at self-care.
- In PE, we will be continuing with badminton.
- In RE - we will be focusing on the importance of rules and a code for living.
- In Computing, we will be looking at data collected from sensors to answer questions.
- In Music - we will continue with our Mammia Mia singing.