Summer Term Week 1 Messages and Updates

What an exciting term we have planned!
The summer term is often one filled with excitement and this year is no exception for the children. Please see the information below for some of the amazing things we have in store as well as some of the usual messages.
Swimming - The children will need to bring their swimming costume, towel and swimming cap in a waterproof bag every Friday during the summer term as we take part in a block of swimming lessons.
Times tables - The long awaited multiplication check will take place in June - the children should keep practising using soundcheck on TTrockstars and making sure any facts they are not sure of are practised again and again!
School Trip - As part of our summer topics, the children will be studying local history - specifically looking at the effect mining had on the local community. In order to help the children build their subject knowledge, we will be visiting the National Coal Mining Museum. Watch out for further details of the visit and a fundraiser we will be running in order to keep the costs low for parents!
Stem Week - The children will be taking part in our annual STEM week where they will be developing their scientific knowledge, design and constructions skills and mathematical analysis of results. Further details to follow in the near future.
Sports Day - The school will hold its annual sports day. Watch out for further details about the provisional dates in June.
Wider curriculum topics for the summer term:
History - World War 1.
Geography - A local study - mining.
Science - Animals including humans - the digestive system. Living things and their habitats - classifying animals, food webs and food chains.
Design and Technology - designing, making and evaluating our own sandwiches.
Art - Poppies by Georgia O'Keefe
Music - Lean on Me
P.E. - cricket and orienteering.