Weekly Update
Weekly Update - Autumn 2, Week 3
This week in Year 4 has been filled with lots of learning, and the children have been putting in tremendous effort.
Maths: The children completed their end-of-unit test on area before moving on to a new topic, Multiplication and Division. They have done an excellent job strengthening their understanding of the 3 and 6 times tables.
English: In English, the children focused on conjunctions before progressing to planning their narratives inspired by The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
Reading: We started exploring a new non-fiction text about The River Thames and The River Nile. Alongside this, the children continued to enhance their inference and retrieval skills through the fiction text, The Rhythm of the Rain.
PE: The children concluded their unit on fundamental skills by taking on various challenges that tested and reinforced what they had previously learned.
Science: This week’s investigations centred on pitch. Using glockenspiels, the children explored how to produce high- and low-pitched sounds.
Geography: The class discussed how climate change is leading to more frequent floods around the world. They then focused on the floods that occurred in Sheffield and Rotherham.
RE: The children continued their research into Hindu gods, creating impressive double-page spreads to showcase their findings.
DT: This week, the children worked on designing a brief for the greeting cards they will be crafting in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to Dakota and Allan (4H), and Freddie and Emily B (4P) for achieving a special mention this week.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr. Piper & Mr. Hampton