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Dates for your Diary

It has been a pleasure to see all of the children back in school and to welcome some new additions
too. The children have done a fantastic job settling back in after the summer break and I would like
to thank parents too for your support in helping them achieve this.

We have planned lots of exciting events this year for the children and I would like to share the dates
with you all, there may be more events to add so please expect future updates too!

19th September - Bank Holiday
21st September - Y6 Trip to Crucial Crew

W/C 10th October - Parents Evenings (further details regarding appointments to be shared shortly)
17th October - Flu Vaccines in School (details to be released shortly from vaccine provider)
19th October - Halloween Disco
20th October - School Photographs
24th to 28th October - Half Term
31st October - Inset Day

7th to 8th November - Y5 Residential Trip to Castleton
8th to 9th November - Y4 Residential Trip to Castleton
21st to 25th November - Y6 Residential Trip to Herds Farm

13th December - Christmas Dinner Day

14th December - Evening Christmas Performance
16th December - School Closes at 1.15pm

2nd January - Bank Holiday
3rd January - School Opens

W/C 6th February - Parents Evenings
10th February - Inset Day
13th to 17th February - Half Term

1st March - Spring Disco

3rd to 14th April - Easter Holidays

1st May - Bank Holiday
W/C 8th May - Y6 SAT’s
18th May - School Photographs
29th May to 2nd June - Half Term

5th June - Inset Day
21st June - Summer Disco

21st July - School Closes for Summer at 3pm

We will send out reminders before upcoming events and we will also keep you updated when new
activities are planned.

Yours sincerely,
Adrian Hayes


Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574