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School Opening September 2022

I hope you have all had a fantastic summer break and have been able to spend some well deserved time relaxing with your friends and families.

School reopens on Monday 5th September at the normal time of 8.45am and we are all very excited to welcome the children back and hear about all their summer time adventures.

Before school starts I would just like to refresh your memory on the following school matters…

School dinners

School dinners are £2.60 each and when we return on 5th September we will be on week 2 of the dinner menu, which can be viewed here.  Pupils can choose what they would like to order for dinner each day in class during registration.  For any pupils not wanting a school dinner they are able to bring in their own packed lunch.

Breakfast club

Our school breakfast club opens at 7.40am, where children will be able to choose from a range of cereals, toast and bagels.  The charge for attending breakfast club is 50p per session for pupils who receive pupil premium funding and £3 per session for all other pupils.


All payments made to school for school dinners, breakfast club, trips etc, must be paid online via SchoolMoney as we are now a cashless school.  The only events in which we are able to take cash include fundraising days and school disco events.  If you have any problems using SchoolMoney you can read through our parent guide which can be found on our school website here or please call the school office on 01709 710574.  We will be updating our SchoolMoney accounts during the first week of September so you may experience some delays, however please keep checking back as we are aiming to have everything up and running as soon as possible.


All pupils must wear uniform when at school and we advise that you write your child's name into their uniform and P.E kit to avoid any items from going missing.

Our uniform consists of the following items:-

  •  black or grey trousers/shorts/skirts
  • white or red polo shirts          
  • a red jumper
  • a red and white chequered dress

Our P.E. kit consists of:

  • black shorts/leggings
  • a plain white t-shirt
  • a pair of clean trainers/pumps
  • jogging bottoms and a warm jumper for outdoor P.E. lessons

Personal items

Every pupil will need to bring their school bag, a drinks bottle and lunch box if they are not having a school dinner.  To encourage healthy eating pupils will not be able to bring in crisps, sweets, biscuits or chocolate as a snack for breaktime.  Instead we recommend that they bring in fruit, dried fruit or breakfast bars.  Regarding jewellery items, for health and safety purposes the only items of jewellery that are permitted to be worn are a watch, and small stud earrings which the child must be able to remove themselves prior to P.E. lessons.

Hoop earrings and dangly earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings are not permitted.  SMART watches are also not permitted.


All school communication is being sent to you via Arbor so please make sure all of your personal contact details are up to date.  If you haven’t downloaded the Arbor app yet we recommend that you do this to make sure you don’t miss out on any school updates.  If you have any issues accessing Arbor then please read the guides which can found on our school website here, or please contact the school office.

Medical information

If there have been any medical changes regarding your child over the summer then please alert staff on Monday morning.  If you are needing to bring in any medication for your child then please make sure it is labelled with their name and ensure that you complete a medical form in reception.  This also relates to asthma inhalers, so please ensure all inhalers are in date, have been handed in to reception and that you have completed a medical form before leaving.

We will have more exciting updates to send out over the next coming weeks but for now I hope that you all enjoy the last few days of the summer break, and we look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday morning!

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Hayes

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574