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September 2022

  • 30/09/22

    September School Update

    Dear parent/guardian,  I hope this update finds you well. Long term, updates such as this will come through the new school website however, until that work is complete, we wanted to update you on a few things that have been happening in school since the Summer Term. We also wanted to inform...
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  • 23/09/22

    Y6 Residential Trip to Herd Farm November 2022

    After the recent parent/carer meeting school can now confirm the following information regarding the Y6 residential visit to Herd Farm, which is near Leeds; - Miss Bruce’s class will go on Monday 21st November 2022 and return on Wednesday 23rd November 2022. - Mrs. Downing’s class...
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  • 16/09/22

    Y5 Residential Trip to Castleton - November 2022

    Many thanks to those of you who managed to attend the meeting on 12th July which gave us the opportunity to pass on a good deal of information about the forthcoming visit. This visit is a key part of the year 5 curriculum so ideally we want everyone to take part. If you could not attend the previ...
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  • 16/09/22

    Y5 & Y6 Hockey Club

    Mr MacDonald will be running a hockey club from 3pm-4pm on Thursday evenings starting on the 29th September. The club will run until the 17th November and is free to attend. If your child wishes to attend, you should complete the following form as early as possible by following this link: Y5/6 Ho...
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  • 16/09/22

    Dates for your Diary

    It has been a pleasure to see all of the children back in school and to welcome some new additions too. The children have done a fantastic job settling back in after the summer break and I would like to thank parents too for your support in helping them achieve this. We have planned lots of e...
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  • 13/09/22

    Y4 Sponsored Walk for Castleton

    Our Y4 residential visit to Castleton is now only a couple of months away and whilst we are really excited about giving our children an opportunity to enjoy the experience, we are very aware of the fact that we will soon be asking for you to find the money to pay for the trip in the midst of risi...
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  • 12/09/22

    School Closure on Monday 19th September

    Dear Parent/Carer, To mark the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Monday 19th September has been declared a bank holiday and as such our school will be closed on this day. Yours sincerely, Adrian Hayes
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  • 08/09/22

    Reading Champions in School

    This year, one of our main areas for development is reading within school. We are working to ensure every child in school is a fluent and confident reader. Our aim is to listen to every child read throughout the course of the week because we want the very best for our children. We do welcome volunte...
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  • 07/09/22

    Y6 Crucial Crew Trip

    Each year we arrange an educational visit for the children in Y6 to visit The Lifewise Centre at Hellaby. This is for the Crucial Crew 2022 event on Wednesday 21st September. This is a valuable trip for the children and shares lots of situations and scenarios important for the children as they gr...
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  • 06/09/22

    Y6 Cricket Club

    Mr Hayes will be running a cricket club after school on Monday evenings starting on the 26th September. If your child wishes to attend, you should complete the following form as early as possible by following this link:  Click here Any submissions received after the 19th of September may not...
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  • 02/09/22

    Communication Update

    First of all, I hope you have all enjoyed the last weekend of the summer holidays. The staff are all in tears here while I’m sure you are skipping around the house in anticipation… I write today to update you on 2 matters both closely related to communication between home and school...
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  • 01/09/22

    School Opening September 2022

    I hope you have all had a fantastic summer break and have been able to spend some well deserved time relaxing with your friends and families. School reopens on Monday 5th September at the normal time of 8.45am and we are all very excited to welcome the children back and hear about all their summe...
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September 2022

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574